Adaptation training courses for people with dementia (2023-2025)

Adaptation training courses for person with dementia -project (Muistisope) aimed at developing the referral and participation process for adaptation training courses for people with memory dementia (2023–2025), is carried out by the Alzheimer Society in Finland in collaboration with various partners operating throughout Finland.

The project's goal is to identify challenges and difficulties related to the referral to adaptation training courses for people with memory disorders, as well as factors that promote participation in these courses. This is done from the perspectives of

  1. individuals with dementia, their close relatives,
  2. professionals involved in guidance (such as memory nurses), and
  3. the organizations conducting the courses.

Through the information gathered from the survey, customer profiling, and co-development with the target group, a model for the referral and participation in adaptation training is produced.

The project is funded by Kela (The Social Insurance Institution of Finland).

For more information:

Outi Ronkainen
tel. 044 7277 403
Muistisairaiden kuntoutus, Muistisope-hanke (sopeutumisvalmennuskurssien selvitystyö) ja Muistiystävällisen asumisen kehittäminen