How to support our work with people with dementia
Choose the most convenient way to donate:
Mobile Pay
• Send your donation to 80606.
• If you don’t yet have the MobilePay app, you can download it from your phone’s app store (AppStore or Google Play).
Bank transfer via your own bank
• Account number: FI24 1745 3000 0027 27
• BIC code: NDEAFIHH (Nordea Bank)
• Payee: Muistiliitto (Alzheimer Society of Finland)
• Donate the amount of your choice.
• You can also set up a recurring payment, such as once a month.
Online payment
An online payment is available via our webpages in Finnish.
Thank you very much for your support!

How are donations used
Donations are used to help people with dementia and their loved ones.
Your help can boost, for example, the following areas of our work:
• the Vertaislinja helpline (peer support for carers, in Finnish)
• nationwide advocacy
• volunteer activities
• studies and reports concerning dementia.
Further information
If you need further information or help with making a donation, please get in touch with

Viestinnän kehittäminen, vaikuttamistyö ja varainhankinta.
Huom. Ilmoitustilamyyntiin liittyvät yhteydenotot vain sähköpostitse.